Skills and Resources for Business Teachers & CTSO Advisers

8 Sessions
- 08/11/2021 3:45 pm CST - 08/11/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 09/08/2021 3:45 pm CST - 09/13/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 10/13/2021 3:45 pm CST - 10/13/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 11/10/2021 3:45 pm CST - 11/13/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 01/12/2022 3:45 pm CST - 01/13/2022 4:45 pm CST
- 02/09/2022 3:45 pm CST - 02/13/2022 4:45 pm CST
- 03/09/2022 3:45 pm CST - 03/13/2022 4:45 pm CST
- 04/13/2022 3:45 pm CST - 04/13/2022 4:45 pm CST
In this series of 8 sessions, meeting the second Wednesday of each month (except December), participants will gain relevant skills and resources to enhance their classroom and CTSOs.
Workshops included:
August 11 – Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery by Lisa Beye, Herington HS
**This workshop explores basic components of online course delivery. Participants will be introduced to best practices for teaching in an online learning environment, the instructor’s role and the learner’s role in the online classroom, the importance of getting (and keeping) students engaged, and setting up an online course. Canvas and Google Classroom platforms will be used.
1. Apply best practices in teaching and learning in an online learning environment.
2. Explain the role of the instructor in an online learning environment.
3. Explain the learner’s role in online learning.
4. Develop an online course.
5. Set up modules.
6. Align assessment methods with learning objectives or competencies.
September 8 – Student-Run Business by Jodi DeArmond, Chapman HS
**Students at Chapman High School have efficiently been running a full scale design and printing business called Irish Ink for the past 15 years. We create over 400 projects each year for our school and community which include business cards, brochures, posters, banners, invitations, vinyl decals, and much more. The skills my students learn while creating, designing, and communicating with customers are extensive. Project based learning is the foundation of my teaching style, and the perks that come from running a profitable business benefit my students with scholarships and my classroom with extra technology resources.
October 13 – Using Google Apps for CTSO Advising by Michelle Bruna, Washington County HS
**Participants will learn how to maximize the Google Suite of Apps to aid in being an adviser: keep track of members, get ready for contests, and manage fundraisers.
November 10 – Electronic Portfolios by Lisa Beye, Herington HS
**Using Google Sites, Weebly, or Wix to build an Electronic Career Portfolio students can build throughout their high school career and take with them.
January 12 – Advanced Spreadsheets Skills for Excel and Google Sheets by Michelle Bruna, Washington County HS
**In this session, learn Excel skills of pivot tables, VLOOKUP, conditional formatting, SUMIF, and the differences in Google Sheets.
February 9 – Apps in the Business World by Sarah Sweet, Emporia HS
**There’s an app for that….
In this session, you will explore several applications/programs used by businesses and how you can bring those meaningfully into your classroom for your students. Participants will be given time to delve into the apps presented.
March 9 – Google Apps for the Business Classroom by Lori Henneberg, Holy Trinity Catholic Schools
**There are so many cool Google tools! In this session, we will look at a variety of Google tools (some familiar and some that you may have never heard of). You will leave with ideas to use these tools in any educational setting and some helpful ideas on how to get started. This session is good not only for the new Googler, but those who have been Google(y) for a while. Come join us and get Google(y)!
April 13 – Online Skills for the Classroom by Kim Dhority, Flint Hill Technical School and Jessica Crabtree, Newton HS
**All students and educators could benefit from this session! In this presentation, Kim & Jessica will introduce different free web tools and explain how you can apply them to your classroom. Attendees will be given the opportunity to practice as a student or teacher. These tools will cover communication, assessment, interaction and many other areas.
Presenter Details

Michelle Bruna
FACILITATOR/Michelle Bruno (pictured) – During the summer of 2020, I completed the requirements to become a Google for Education Certified Trainer. This past year makes my 25th year in education and I have taught people from the ages of 5-67 as a teacher and workshop leader. I enjoy helping people learn computer skills. I also have been an FBLA adviser for 15 years and had 5 state officers.
Lisa Beye – is currently in her 28th year of education. During her career she has taught at Lenora High School, Council Grove High School, Centre High School, and for the past sux years has been at Herington High School where she is a Business Teacher/Coach and FBLA Sponsor. Most of her knowledge and experience with Electronic Career Portfolios has come from FBLA. She has had several students participate in this event and have placed at the State and National Levels. Currently she builds electronic career portfolios in her freshman level Business Essentials class. Students then continue to update as they go through their high school career. Lisa also has Seniors for MTSS and Advisory.
Jodi DeArmond – has been teaching at Chapman High School for the past 11 years. Courses include Interactive Media (Graphic Design), Web Page Design, and Computer Programming. She also assists her students in running Irish Ink, a student run Design & Printing Business and Irish Tech Support, our student technology support group. She is very involved in the MACE Conference (Mid-America Association for Computers in Education) is the current President. This past year, Jodi was awarded the Regional Secondary Teacher of the Year Award for Mountain Plains Business Education Association.
Sarah Sweet – has been teaching at Emporia High School for 17 years. She graduated from Emporia State University with her undergraduate and master degrees in Business Education. Sarah is an adviser for FBLA and National Technical Honor Society. Sarah and her husband have a 12-year-old son, Brayden, who is active in football, baseball, and basketball.
Lori Henneberg – is a Google for Education Certified Trainer and an educator committed to collaborative learning that engages students, staff, families and the community. Lori is the Instructional Coach, Admin Team Member, and Electives Department Lead at Holy Trinity Catholic School in Lenexa. Kansas. She has Bachelor Degrees in both Business Management and Business Education and a Master Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Lori was named the Mountain-Plains Business Education Association Outstanding Middle School Teacher of the Year in 2015 and the National Business Education Association Middle School Teacher of the Year in 2017. She served on the Kansas Business Education Board of Directors consecutively from 2008-2020 and was the President of KBEA in 2013. Lori is currently serving on the Mountain-Plains Business Education Association Board of Directors as President-Elect (term will begin June 2021) and has served on this board in various capacities since 2014. She has presented at numerous conferences and webinars (including KBEA, M-PBEA, and NBEA) and truly believes in Business Education Associations and their purpose in strengthening, renewing, and improving business educators. Lori and her husband, David, live in Kansas City. Together they have three children, one son-in-law, and a granddaughter who is the apple of their eye! They love to travel and have a bucket list of seeing all the major national parks in the United States. Lori is a Kansas State Alum – Go Cats!
Kim Dhority – has spent many years as a classroom teacher and as a FBLA adviser before becoming the Dean of Instructional Services and the Instructional Design Center Director for Flint Hills Tech. When not teaching college students, she enjoy presenting at state, regional and national conferences on skills needed by teachers and students. Kim’s passion is promoting the need for business education and helping educators be successful.
Jessica Crabtree – is in her seventh year teaching at Newton High School in Newton, Kansas. Before Newton High School, she taught a semester at Mission Valley High School after graduating from Emporia State University with a Bachelor Degree in Business Education. In May 2020, Jessica completed her Master Degree in Instructional Design and Technology from Emporia State University. While teaching, she has taught numerous business classes including; Accounting 1 and 2, Business Essentials, Computer Applications, Personal Finance, Business Communications, and Teaching as a Career. She is also the advisor for our Business Professionals of America Chapter Advisor. Jessica also serves as the Department Chair for the Business, FACS, and Journalism departments at Newton. Lastly, she is the contact person for her building with their learning management system, Canvas. Outside of teaching, Jessica enjoys participating as a KCCTE mentor teacher for business teachers in the state of Kansas!