Mentee Responsibilities - KCCTE

KCCTE Mentee Responsibilities

Mentee Requirements:

• Must be within the first two-years of teaching in a Kansas CTE pathway or program at either the secondary or post-secondary level.

A KCCTE Mentee will:

• maintain a regular and on-going mentoring relationship with assigned mentor.

• commit to a two-year relationship with the assigned mentor.

• provide reflective dialogue and feedback within the online community discussions.

• complete an end-of-year evaluation of the mentoring program.

• complete and submit all requested KCCTE forms and records by requested deadlines.

The KCCTE Mentee will meet the following minimum requirements within the assigned mentoring network:

1. Complete New Teacher Inventory during the orientation process.

2. Complete annual program training prior to starting the mentoring program.

3. Work with assigned mentor to determine three goals to focus on throughout the year. Goals will regularly be reviewed for progress and/or possible modification.

4. Share with assigned mentor any challenges in the following areas:

a. The learner and learning

b. Content knowledge

c. Instructional practice

d. Professional responsibility

5. Participate in regular communication within the assigned mentoring network utilizing the resources in Peer Link Pro.

6. Share a monthly reflection, documenting struggles, victories, etc., with the mentor.

7. Communicate directly with assigned mentor each month. Communication can be via phone, email, text message, or other forms of communication.

8. Conduct visual introduction of your lab/classroom with your assigned mentor at the beginning of the school year. The method is to be determined by the mentee and mentor (in person, Zoom, FaceTime, Google Meet, etc.)

9. Observe two peer CTE teachers, of any content area, to gain insight into best practices to incorporate into your classroom. Enter requested information for each visit.