Ag Ed Tips and Tricks: Maximize your Program!

4 Sessions
- 09/08/2021 3:45 pm CST - 09/08/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 10/13/2021 3:45 pm CST - 10/13/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 11/10/2021 3:45 pm CST - 11/10/2021 4:45 pm CST
- 12/15/2021 3:45 pm CST - 12/15/2021 4:45 pm CST
Workshop Series Fee = $40.00
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 8/Stepping Up on Social Media for Students & Stakeholders (Dr. Nellie Hill – Kansas State University)
- During this session, learn ways to take your social media savvy to the next level while also managing your time.
- We will strive to maximize student content creation opportunities as well as stakeholder engagement with posts.
WEDNESDAY, OCT 13/How to tackle your community service scares-large events downsized into a manageable playbook (Karl Dawn Stover – Ellisworth Schools)
- During this session, we will look at what it takes to run a large community or school event and scale the size into manageable operational steps which will allow you to feel more comfortable as the coordinator.
- Designate action plan steps, identify the helping stakeholders, familiarize ourselves with effective communication methods, and management strategies for the event day.
- Discussion and idea building throughout the session to allow you to interact with the host and others to get full understanding of large event planning.
- Come enjoy creating your large event playbook to leave those fears behind!
WEDNESDAY, NOV 10/Parliamentary Procedures (Chad Epler – K-ACTE)
- This session will teach you skills to further yourself in the LDE of parliamentary procedure as well as provide some tips and tricks to getting students involved.
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15/CDE (Jackie Mundt)
Presenter Details

Mary Beth Fulk started her FFA chapter and watched first-hand SAE’s grow within her community. In an effort to help other Ag teachers reach success for their students, she (and a committee of various Ag teachers) has developed this series of short sessions for the Spring 2021 semester. Mary Beth has been teaching Agriculture Education at Fairfield for the last 13 years. She currently teaches Animal Science, Agriscience, Horticulture, Ag Mechanics, Ag Fabrication, and Food Science.
Chad Epler taught agricultural education at Winfield High School for several years before returning home to his family’s farm. While at Winfield Chad had several successful parliamentary procedure teams. Chad is passionate about agricultural education and currently serves as the KAAE secretary.
Dr. Hill teaches and advises students in agricultural communications and journalism. Her teaching areas are agricultural business communication, layout and print design, and new media technology. Dr. Hill’s research focuses on the persuasive elements of communicating the science of agriculture and natural resources with a variety of audiences, including the public, policy makers, and industry professionals. She also explores the scholarship of teaching and learning to enhance pedagogy effectiveness and student learning outcomes.
Karl Dawn Hobbs Stover is the agriculture education instruction and FFA advisor at Ellsworth Jr/Sr/ High School. 2021 marks her 10th year of teaching and advising of 7-12th grade students. She enjoys planning and organizing large school and community events to benefit the growth of FFA members, elementary and high school students, and community members. From putting together Pink Out Week to Career, Safety and Leadership Days, she looks at common issues in the school and community with a student support staff to accomplish large goals and assist the Ellsworth population improve and reach greater heights. Stover lives on the family farm; KDH Shorthorns, outside of Beloit, KS with her husband, Thomas Jeremy Stover, and their family puppies.