FCS Series

6 Sessions
- 01/18/2022 3:30 pm CST - 01/18/2022 4:30 pm CST
- 02/01/2022 3:30 pm CST - 02/01/2022 4:30 pm CST
- 02/15/2022 3:30 pm CST - 02/15/2022 4:30 pm CST
- 03/01/2022 3:30 pm CST - 03/01/2022 4:30 pm CST
- 03/29/2022 3:30 pm CST - 03/29/2022 4:30 pm CST
- 04/12/2022 3:30 pm CST - 04/12/2022 4:30 pm CST
Virtual Workshop Series Fee = $60.00
SESSION 1 (January 18) Pathways – New or existing pathway applications (Helen Swanson/Amanda Williams):
- Overview of Career Pathway Program of Study Application (CPPSA) for beginners.
- Session will review program outcomes and completing a pathway application in CPPSA.
SESSION 2 (February 1)Financial Simulations / Personal Finance / Financial Literacy (Goldie Prelogar):
- Looking for activities you can do with your personal finance classes?
- We’ll look at opportunities for bringing in guest speakers, classroom activities, and field trips to make your courses more interactive. We’ll also make time for Q&A with Goldie.
SESSION 3 (February 15) FCCLA Star Events / Integrating into the FCS classsroom (Pam Lamb/Kacey Preston/Andrew Preston):
- No time for FCCLA? Integrate FCCLA into your classroom to lighten your load with lesson plans and resources already available.
- Use competitive events in your classes by allowing students to create projects that connect to your curriculum. Let’s get started
SESSION 4 (March 1) Locating FCS Resources (Morgan Prather/Helen Swanson):
- An overview of FCS resources will be presented – what FCS courses are available, how to navigate the KCCTE Resource Library utilizing the search tools, and how to upload and share your resources with others.
- Our KSDE FCS consultant will review the KSDE website to highlight helpful links and resources.
SESSION 5 (March 29) Education & Training (Teach & Train) (Shelly Staples):
- An overview of the changes recently made to the Teacher Training Pathway.
- An explanation of how this presenter has implemented the new curriculum in the Teacher/Train program and utilized the CTE courses to create a specialized pathway for future educators. (Students apply in 8th grade and join this program for four years. Shelly’s first graduating class (2021) had 28 seniors and 18/28 were offered teaching contracts as part of a Hire Our Own initiative.
- An overview and suggested outline of each of the Teacher Training Pathway classes with a special emphasis on Innovations in Education Technology in Education) will be provided.
- Suggestions on how to incorporate various technology applications, training, and certifications in your classroom.
- Questions are highly encouraged!
SESSION 6 (April 12) Project Based Learning – Food Trucks / Child Development students working in a daycare (Colby Patton):
- Project-based learning is something our content is built upon; so let’s make some amazing and meaningful projects!
- Hear about some impactful work-based and project-based learning opportunities for all ages of 7-12 students within FCS classes, then apply that knowledge through discussions and collaboration time to brainstorm how to make your room more project-based. This session will allow teachers to collaborate and engage in discussions.
Presenter Details

Cassy Dalbom is in her 10th year of teaching the Human Services pathway and she is involved in many professional organizations. She is the FCCLA sponsor and enjoys teaching students real world skills. She received both her bachelors and masters from PSU. Go Gorillas!
Helen Swanson is an Education Program Consultant with the Kansas State Department of Education. She is a graduate of Washburn University and has a Master of Business Administration from Friends University. Before joining KSDE, Helen was a Business & Family and Consumer Science teacher. Helen and her husband, Joel, have two children.
Amanda Williams is a Public Service Administrator with the Kansas State Department of Education. She provides technical assistance for the Kansas Course Code Management System (KCCMS) and the Pathways Authenticated Application. Prior to her position as a Public Service Administrator, Amanda served as the lead assistant to the Career and Technical Education team at KSDE, providing support in the areas of Perkins, KCCMS, Pathways, and general CTE knowledge.
Goldie Prelogar is an Instructor in the Department of Family & Consumer Sciences at Pittsburg State University. She is also studying Financial Therapy and Financial Planning in the Family Financial Planning program at Kansas State University. She is a Certified Personal and Family Finance Educator and has over five years experience teaching Personal Finance.
Pam Lamb has been serving as the Kansas FCCLA State Adviser for 9 years and previously taught FCS with a very active FCCLA chapter for 35 years. Pam enjoys camping and spending time with her family.
Kacey Preston is a 20-year Family and Consumer Science teacher and a 19-year FCCLA Advisor. She has focused her career on growing her programs and meeting the needs of her community through FCCLA. She has had many opportunities in the advisor role of FCCLA: a District Advisor, a Kansas FCCLA Board Member, and President of FCCLA Foundation. She has also been active in her profession on the KATFCS Executive Council for many years, helped teachers maintain the Love Notes Grants, and is a mentor through KCCTE. Kacey lives and teaches in Udall and has two very active sons, Andrew and Lee.
Andrew Preston is a Freshman at Udall High School and District I FCCLA President. Andrew has taken many opportunities to grow his leadership skills in taking on roles in school and the community. A few of Andrews school roles outside of FCCLA include Student Council representative, class President, Scholars bowl, Cross Country, Basketball, and Track. Andrew is also the Udall 4-H President and the Cowley County 4-H Jr Leader vice president. Andrew has created his career plan and is excited for his career in plastics engineering. Andrew hopes that he is able to be selected into other State and National Leadership roles in FCCLA in the coming years.
Morgan Prather has been with the KCCTE since 2016, and in 2020, became the Marketing and Resource Manager. Prior to working for the KCCTE, she worked in the marketing field for various companies. Morgan and her sister have recently started their own baking company.
Shelly Staples is the Facilitator of the Future Educators Academy for Olathe Public Schools, preparing students for careers in education. She previously taught at Gardner Edgerton High School in the Teacher Training Pathway with 27 former students sprinkled across the state currently teaching. Shelly also serves as a KCCTE FCS Mentor and on the Educators Rising State Leadership Board. She is passionate about student leadership!
Colby Patton is in the middle of her 7th year teaching at Oxford Jr/Sr High School. She is a one-person department for two different contents, both FCS and Spanish/World Languages. She is currently working on her Master in School Counseling degree with Fort Hays State University. In her spare time (HA!) she enjoys snuggling with her two Australian Shepherds, caring for her houseplants, and trying new recipes for fun!