Career to Classroom - KCCTE

Become a CTE Teacher

We Can Help!

Depending upon your industry experience and/or credentials, there is a path from your career to the high school or college classroom. We can help you– contact us today!


Contact Us

What is a CTE Teacher?

A CTE teacher prepares students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers. CTE teachers work in both high school and college institutions to teach specific career skills and prepare students for CTE careers within a variety of industries. The KCCTE is proud to provide many opportunities to help prepare industry professionals in becoming CTE teachers.

Do You Want To Teach?

You can take your career to the next level by teaching within your career field:

  • Agriculture
  • Business
  • Design, Production & Repair
  • Family & Consumer Sciences
  • Health
  • Media & Technology
  • Public Services
Learn How

Who is KCCTE?

The Kansas Center for Career and Technical Education (KCCTE) was created with the purpose of providing technical and professional development for Career and Technical Education (CTE) instructors.

KCCTE has the following four objectives:

  • Provide technical workshops at a minimal cost to Kansas CTE instructors. These workshops will offer CTE instructors professional development opportunities to practice industry skills within their occupational area.
  • Provide an online resource sharing library at no cost to Kansas CTE instructors. These resources will allow CTE instructors to collaborate and share educational resources with others within the same occupational area. Resources may include lesson plans, classroom management tips, and organizational tools.
  • Provide a mentoring network at no cost to Kansas CTE instructors. This service will assist CTE instructors in transitioning to their professional role. Experienced CTE instructors will guide new CTE instructors upon request.
  • Provide Technical Teacher Education coursework to Kansas CTE instructors. This coursework is specifically geared toward assisting CTE instructors in acquiring their professional education skills and credentials. This coursework will continue to be the quality instruction that the PSU Technical Teacher Education program has been providing in the past.


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